Monster Survey

Quiet ​Vacationing

Results and findings from recent research on the future of work and the evolving jobs market.

August 2024

KEY takeaways

“Quiet Vacationing” definition: Refers to when employees take time off or “work from anywhere,” ​without telling their manager or receiving formal approval.

Minimal Lined Corporate Concepts Vacation Leave
  • Half (49%) of workers have or have ​considered taking a quiet vacation ​from work

  • 14% of workers have lied to their ​manager or boss about their ​whereabouts while quiet vacationing
  • Workers who have taken a quiet vacation attribute the ​following as reasons they didn’t notify their manager or seek ​the necessary approvals:
    • 26% work remotely, so they didn’t think it mattered
    • 20% were overwhelmed by their work life balance and ​needed a break
    • 15% didn’t want to lose any pay by officially taking time off
    • 11% didn’t think their manager would notice if they took a ​quiet vacation

  • Some workers have taken quiet vacations more than once:
    • 11% have taken 10 or more
    • 10% have taken 5 - 10
    • 16% have taken 2 - 4
    • 4% have taken only one

  • 26% of workers say a quiet vacation decreased their ​anxiety and improved their overall well being


Be, Finger, Lips, No Talking, Quiet, Silence, Silent Icon


  • Workers cite several reasons that would prevent them from taking a quiet vacation:

    • 51% wouldn’t want to jeopardize their job security or position at their company
    • 27% feel too much guilt
    • 22% wouldn’t want to let their coworkers down
    • 21% wouldn’t want to risk losing pay
    • 20% worry their manager would find out


Monster survey conducted among ​workers, July 2024.
