Monster Survey

Bring Your ​Manners To ​Work

Results and findings from recent research on ​the future of work and the evolving jobs market.

August 2024

KEY takeaways

  • 69% of workers would consider ​leaving their job if their employer did ​not have policies in place around ​workplace etiquette

  • About one third (31%) of workers ​don’t feel that their workplace is a ​respectful environment where ​manners are valued
  • 50% of workers said respectful ​communication is the most ​important workplace manner

  • Only 14% of workers said ​punctuality is the most importantworkplace manner

  • Only 2% of workers said dressing ​professionally is the most important ​workplace manner



Clean Lined Media Relations Interview


  • The following were identified by workers as the rudest workplace behaviors:

    • (88%) Not cleaning up after oneself
    • (81%) Gossiping
    • (78%) Using inappropriate language
    • (77%) Being unresponsive to messages
    • (76%) Consistently being late to meetings

  • For those who don’t follow proper workplace etiquette, their colleagues’ perception of them is impacted in the following ways:

    • (24%) Think less highly of them
    • (23%) Are less likely to collaborate with them
    • (18%) Actively try to avoid them when possible
    • (17%) Are less likely to recommend them for a promotion or raise
  • Workers report that their workplaces enforce the following regarding workplace etiquette:

    • (61%) Respectful communication
    • (51%) Punctuality
    • (40%) Workspace cleanliness
    • (37%) Professional dress code



Handdrawn Traffic Officer Managing Traffic


Monster survey conducted among ​workers, August 2024.
