Monster Survey

Personality ​Hires

Results and findings from recent research on the future of work and the evolving jobs market.

June 2024

KEY takeaways

“Personality Hires” definition: Refers to employees who may have been hired for their personality, ​values, and approach to work, rather than just their technical skills.

Clean Vector Career Celebrations Woman Office Attire Success Pose
  • 45% of workers said it's easier for personality hires to ​advance due to their relationships with executives, while ​18% think it’s harder for personality hires to advance ​and climb the corporate ladder

  • The workplace is split! 42% of workers think personality ​hires are more valuable than traditional hires, while 58% ​feel traditional hires have more worth in the workplace

  • 85% of personality hires and 68% of traditional hires ​agree that the most valuable attribute of personality hires ​is their ability to enhance relationships with clients, ​customers, and/or coworkers

48% of workers self-identify as personality hires. ​Personality hires and traditional hires held similar perspectives ​on the attributes personality hires bring to the workplace:

  • Personality Hires said:
    • (85%) Ability to strengthen relationships with clients, ​customers and/or coworkers
    • (71%) Contribution to improving work culture
    • (70%) Ability to lighten the mood and keep morale high
    • (52%) Enthusiasm and participation at company ​events, parties, happy hours, etc.

  • Traditional Hires said:
    • (68%) Ability to strengthen relationships with clients, ​customers and/or coworkers
    • (52%) Ability to lighten the mood and keep morale high
    • (51%) Contribution to improving work culture
    • (30%) Enthusiasm and participation at company ​events, parties, happy hours, etc.

similar ​perspectives

Career ​Trajectory

  • 39% of workers feel personality hires ​receive opportunities and recognition ​they haven’t worked for because ​their personality is beloved

  • 32% of workers think personality hires ​may be overlooked due to a lack in ​relevant skills or experience ​necessary for career advancement

  • Workers were even on whether ​personality hires face higher risks of ​layoffs, with 18% indicating they were ​more likely to be laid off and 19% ​expressing the opposite view


Monster survey conducted among workers, June 2024.
